Help with multiple takes on same track

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Help with multiple takes on same track

Post by Frankv3 » Sat Dec 09, 2017 4:30 pm

I am new to Auria and could really use some help. Could you pro’s out there possibly explain how you work with a track with multiple takes you need to work with.

Scenario: You have recorded six takes on a vocal track. Your not sure which take is the best yet, and you might want to comp a few. To my understanding all these takes are covered up on top of each and must be uncovered one at a time to get to them. You can move them one at a time to different tracks but then you’ve got a bunch of tracks playing at the same time. You can mute them but your still slamming the cpu. Evidently you can’t make a track inactive in Auria. What does the workflow look like to come up with the vocal track you like?

Any help or correction would be greatly appreciated. I used Pro Tools for a number of years and didn’t have this problem. I had a playlist.

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Re: Help with multiple takes on same track

Post by mtingle » Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:11 am

I make a track for each take and mute the region not in use. All tracks route to a subgroup to be able to have a global control all volumes and fx for all takes. You need to mute all regions as if you mute the subgroup auria doesn't remember any of the individual tracks you muted which means you have all your takes playing at once when you un-mute the subgroup, hence having to mute all regions.

If Auria could remember muted tracks after un-muting a subgroup it would make take management a whole lot easier but that's the way it is at the moment. *

*any chance of changing this Rim?

p.s. soloing a subgroup ideally would take into account any muted tracks this would enable you to mute/ solo the subgroup for take management. (currently if you solo a subgroup all the takes would play at once, even if the track is muted).

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Re: Help with multiple takes on same track

Post by Frankv3 » Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:42 pm

Thanks Michael, for your response. I hadn’t thought about the subgroup idea. I will use it. Still, I am disappointed with Auria in this area. Even though you can make a lot of tracks and mute them as needed, they are all still being processed through the cpu and loading it down. Having no fx on the tracks themselves,however, definitely helps. Will try the subgroup idea. Thanks again and cheers.

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Re: Help with multiple takes on same track

Post by mtingle » Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:34 pm

Frankv3 wrote:
Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:42 pm
Thanks Michael, for your response. I hadn’t thought about the subgroup idea. I will use it. Still, I am disappointed with Auria in this area. Even though you can make a lot of tracks and mute them as needed, they are all still being processed through the cpu and loading it down. Having no fx on the tracks themselves,however, definitely helps. Will try the subgroup idea. Thanks again and cheers.
I may be wrong but I’ve not really noticed a cpu hit by having lots of tracks. Plugins like Saturn, timeless, overload THM and pro-L really add to the cpu.

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Re: Help with multiple takes on same track

Post by Frankv3 » Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:40 pm

You could be right. I’m used to working on an old Mac and pro Tools and it could overload pretty easy. iPad might be different. This is new to me. Also, I really don’t add plugins until after tracking is done and I start mixing so any unnecessary tracks would already be eliminated. You have really helped me work this out. Thanks

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