v1.02 Update Background Audio Mode

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v1.02 Update Background Audio Mode

Post by roberthanline » Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:14 pm


Please forgive me if I am posting this outside of a bug report thread but I just did not know where it fits. Something I noticed today post upgrade to v1.02. This morning I was able to use Yonac's Magellan and ThumbJam in conjunction with Auria. All of them playing nicely together. Post install I verified my Belkin Guitar jack and IRig Mic both now worked which I was thrilled with. A couple hours later however I noticed that I could no longer use the background apps as Magellan would crash, and Thumbjam would no longer play sound. It's as if the audio port is locked by Auria? I have tried all the normal things such as rebooting, and opening the apps in various order. iOS device is an 64G IPad 3.

Thanks for a wonderful application/platform!


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Re: v1.02 Update Background Audio Mode

Post by Rim » Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:58 am

Hi Robert,

We made a change to 1.02, where we disabled Auria mixing with other background audio. The reason we did this is because Auria has very strict requirements for it's buffer size and sample rate, and allowing other app's audio to mix with Auria's caused many issues in the first version.

Background audio mode is still possible, but it must be done in the correct order. Auria must be started first:

1. Make sure all apps are closed in the app switcher (double click the home button and close them there)
2. Start Auria (set it to Background Audio mode if you haven't already)
3. Close Auria with a single tap of the home button
4. Launch another music app

Many music apps don't support the audio mode that Auria uses (Auria plays and records simultaneously), so it's possible that other apps won't work in conjunction with Auria.

We're hoping that a future iOS update may help to make all this easier, but for now this is the reality of making apps play together on an iPad.


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