Audio Gone??

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Audio Gone??

Post by THX1136 » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:18 pm

Just researching this for now to figure out what happened. I recently experienced HD corruption on my boot drive. It still shows up on my desktop and gives the appearance of accessibility, but I cannot boot from it any more. I had been using Drop Box - installed on that drive and another I am using in lieu of the corrupt drive - to transfer audio files to and from Auria. Here's where the plot thickens.

Last night I tried to "Save Project to DropBox". When the window showing the progress appeared I thought better of it and pressed cancel immediately. After about a 30 minute interruption I went back to Auria and ALL the audio content for the project appeared to be gone when looking at the waveform view! Checked in Drop Box on the iPad and only empty file folders for that project existed. Consulted the manual and got the impression that the files should be "somewhere" but I don't know where to look AND if I should consider the audio lost at this point. I did have the foresight to do a redundant recording setup of the 6 hours of audio in Auria so I can retrieve 99% of what appears to be lost at this point from that source (EEK! cassette tapes!?!).

A further caveat: my current OS is not supported for the desktop client in Drop Box. As a result I'm not sure I can "see" if the project is there with any certainty from my computer. I figure the iPad should still be "connected" to Drop Box so the computer issue may be a moot.

What should I look for? Where should I look for it? Is all lost? Will it rain on Friday? What's for supper? All silliness aside, any help as to the direction I should take to remedy this issue would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Audio Gone??

Post by Corey W » Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:27 am

Hi THX1136,
I am not fully understanding what may or may not be going on with your situation, so if you can help clarify that would be great.
I recently experienced HD corruption on my boot drive. It still shows up on my desktop and gives the appearance of accessibility, but I cannot boot from it any more. I had been using Drop Box - installed on that drive and another I am using in lieu of the corrupt drive
-Is this a Mac or PC?
-What is 'it' that shows up on your desktop and gives the appearance of accessibility?
-Were your DropBox files backed up somewhere else or just on the corrupt drive?
Last night I tried to "Save Project to DropBox". When the window showing the progress appeared I thought better of it and pressed cancel immediately.
After about a 30 minute interruption I went back to Auria and ALL the audio content for the project appeared to be gone when looking at the waveform view!
-What exactly happened with your iPad at this time? (please be as specific as possible)
-Did you try to load an earlier snapshot?
Checked in Drop Box on the iPad and only empty file folders for that project existed.
-Did you check for the project that you canceled the upload on?

Let me know the answers to these questions and we can begin to see if your audio is recoverable.


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Re: Audio Gone??

Post by THX1136 » Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:31 pm

I am using a Mac G4 running 10.5.8 now - 10.4.11 with the drive that is corrupted. The icon for the corrupt drive appears on the desktop and seems to indicate I can access it. When I double click on the icon it opens and everything seems to be there. I just tried to open an app - Clean My Mac. It opened and said it was not installed on the drive I am booting from which would be accurate.

I only accessed DB from what is now the corrupted drive, so I would say I did not have them backed up anywhere else. When I view the folders in DB (on the Mac) only one had anything in it. Another I have been using weekly - a shared folder - did not have the expected files in it.

What I intended to do was to save the audio into DB. After talking with a friend it seemed that it should work okay regardless of the situation with my Mac. Choosing "Save Project to DropBox" I assumed was an incorrect choice since I wanted to save - export - the actual audio to Drop Box. That's why I quickly chose to cancel the save.

The iPad was completely idle during the time mentioned. I was having a conversation with my wife and not using the iPad for anything during that time. I believe I quit Auria, but I am not 100% sure that is what I did. I certainly had closed the cover and it went to sleep I assume.

After the conversation I opened Auria and noted that audio appeared to be gone. From Auria I tried to load the project and there were no waveforms evident in the display - 100% empty - from that load. I do not knowingly have an earlier snapshot of the project - only one with a date of 7/15/15. This particular project is one I use annually so I do not rename it from year to year.

Your last question may be the key I would suspect. The project was entitled "Messages". It had a date of 7/15/15, 7:20 PM - which corresponds to the aborted attempt. It shows that there are 8 tracks for a total length of 51:15 which would also be correct for that project. When I "Load Project" and choose that one there is no evidence that the audio is there in the waveform view - it is completely blank. After loading and starting playback I see no indication of audio on the meters in Auria also, which further lends to the thought that the audio is gone.

Hopefully I gave you all the info you asked for. I appreciate your time in helping me figure this out.

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Re: Audio Gone??

Post by THX1136 » Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:10 pm

A new wrinkle Corey:

Was at Mayo Clinic today - my wife had some some general work up stuff to be done. Took the iPad so I could do some work in Auria on another project that was done at the same time as the one in question in the op. Auria will not launch. What happens is the main screen - logo - appears briefly and then is gone. Tried a reboot, restart and whatnot - no dice. Curiously, when I went to close out any running apps, Auria shows up there even though it appears not to launch. I am assuming a reinstall is the answer. I also assume that means any audio I have will be lost. I did not do a back up of the second project so it would be lost.

FYI, the iPad is lean. I have not put anything extra on it - apps, music, movies, etc. I have basically dedicated it for audio work with Auria primarily and web stuff only when necessary - looking at the Auria manual, checking bank account, etc. Perhaps this makes my original issue moot.

Thanks again for any help!
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Re: Audio Gone??

Post by Rim » Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:54 am

If Auria opens and closes immediately, usually the only solution is to reinstall. There's a very good chance that your projects are still fine. Just back everything up before you reinstall and you should be good to go.


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Re: Audio Gone??

Post by THX1136 » Fri Jul 17, 2015 10:19 pm

How do I back up any projects when one of them seems to have missing audio (the impetus for my original question)? Also, I did not knowingly back the other up. I appreciate you taking the time to jump in Rim. I will await a reply before going ahead with the reinstall. Thanks!
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Re: Audio Gone??

Post by Rim » Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:00 am

Sorry, I should have read the entire thread before posting, oops ;) If you're not seeing any actual files (wav files) in your project folder (using iFunBox), then the audio is indeed gone. The only thing I know that can cause this is a rare bug in the auto project cleanup. If this is enabled, under some rare circumstances it can delete all your audio, thinking it's unused. In any case, once it's gone there's no way to recover it, unless you made backups, or have iCloud set up to backup for you automatically every night.


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Re: Audio Gone??

Post by THX1136 » Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:57 am

I just checked to see what was there via File Sharing in iTunes - which I forgot about being so focused on Drop Box. When I highlight Auria nothing shows up in the right side of the window. My suspicions - and your thoughts, Rim - seem to be confirmed: the audio is gone. As I said, I did backup recordings along with Auria so I have all that audio. The 17 minutes of live audio from the other project were not backed up. A valuable, although painful, lesson. I will proceed with the reinstall unless you can think of something else I could/should try before that.

Again, I appreciate your time and input on this. Thanks!

BTW, I've never heard of iFunBox. Will check that out with the Google. :)
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Re: Audio Gone??

Post by THX1136 » Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:09 pm

Just a follow up. I did the reinstall. Chose "Load Project" to see what was there. The "lost" project was there - 8 tracks, 50 plus minutes. Selected it, but no audio showed up in Edit view, only greyed out areas with "missing" in them.

Thanks again for your input, Rim and Corey.
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